0734252299 rob@garvey.biz


For a pricing ready reckoner, choose the Consulting Fee Schedule. 

But for all the details (including Legal Profession Act disclosures) read the Costs Agreement.

Our prices are tuned to the ‘missing middle’, that is, ordinary people and small businesses prepared to pay reasonable prices for quality but who avoid exorbitance. We sharpen legal prices by –

  • heading off problems with early intervention (including introducing you to other service providers);
  • efficiency (especially use of automation, systems, AI); and
  • narrow scope options (designed to serve clients only as needed to complete tasks themselves – sometimes known as ‘unbundling’).

That said, we are a full-service general practice with long-term private clients whom we act in disputes, commercial negotiations, property transactions and estate matters. We decline work which is not justified on cost-benefit analysis. At the start of new matters, we require a downpayment into our trust account.

The speed and accuracy of our initial cost estimates is a point a difference. We increasingly use statistics and algorithms to calculate our cost estimates. To find out more about our approach to cost estimates click the button below.

If you already have a bill from us and would like to know your payment options (including payment plans) then please click the button below.


The following is a prescribed notice under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (s 308(5))

Legal costs — your right to know

You have the right to:
• negotiate a costs agreement with us
• receive a bill of costs from us
• request an itemised bill of costs after you receive a lump sum bill from us
• request written reports about the progress of your matter and the costs incurred in your matter
• apply for costs to be assessed within 12 months if you are unhappy with our costs
• apply for the costs agreement to be set aside
• accept or reject any offer we make for an interstate costs law to apply to your matter
• notify us that you require an interstate costs law to apply to your matter.
For more information about your rights, please read the fact sheet titled Legal Costs — your right to know. You can ask us for a copy, or obtain it from your local law society or law institute (or download it from their website).