0734252299 [email protected]

Bain v Demarchi [2023] QSC 199

Paulo died in December 2022, leaving a will (from a DIY Will kit) appointing his mother Rhonda as sole executor. Rhonda died 13 days after Paulo in January 2023. The issue was whether section 33B(1) of the Succession Act applies, which deems a beneficiary who dies...

Shaw v Tane [2022] QSC 301

Maria Shaw (plaintiff) propounded a will dated 18 October 2019 (“2019 Will”) of her deceased father, Martin Tullemans. The 2019 Will was handwritten by Maria’s son David and left the residue of Martin’s estate to Maria. Tamar Tane (defendant),...

Indemnity costs ordered against Family Provision claimant

In Bezjak v Wyatt (No 2) [2018] NSWSC 232 the Supreme Court of New South Wales dismissed a family provision suit by an eligible claimant. Some two months prior to the court hearing, the legal representatives of the estate made a genuine offer of compromise to settle...